Wednesday, May 25, 2011

roommate quotes

roommate quotes. thinks I#39;m a roommate.”
  • thinks I#39;m a roommate.”

  • Treq
    Nov 2, 11:24 PM
    I just installed ClickToFlash ( on all my Macs and my browsing experience has dramatically increased 1000% for the better. No more intrusive pop-up ads, distracting animations, and more importantly, long-loading, resource-intensive, useless, gimmicky intros and gadgets... unless I specifically ask for it.

    I can only imagine what would happen if Flash apps on the iPhone didn't have such an ability to be optionally downloaded, let alone execute upon it loading. It's bad enough that AT&T's bandwidth is horrendous at times, I don't need to waste half a megabyte just downloading an advertisement.

    ClickToFlash is Awesome. My computer runs so much cooler now that I've installed it.

    roommate quotes. The Naked Roommate 2011 Desk
  • The Naked Roommate 2011 Desk

  • amac4me
    Apr 14, 09:10 AM
    "switchers" ... plain and simple :D

    Buyer satisfaction with other Apple products is clearly filtering down into Mac sales. This trend will only continue to strengthen.

    roommate quotes. My roommate at the time was
  • My roommate at the time was

  • alimony
    Aug 3, 05:35 PM
    Seriously folks, you have all forgotten that WWDC is not a marketing event. It is a conference for developers. If you take a look at the WWDC page (, you'll notice that there will be lots of talks on various technologies in Mac OS X. That is why all this stuff is depicted on the banner. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the person taking this picture have said that there was two covered banners and this was the only visible one. So, really, this banner is not speculation material. Only a few days left now, we'll find out about all the new stuff soon.

    roommate quotes. -roommate
  • -roommate

  • bobob
    May 5, 05:12 AM
    The ridiculous 3D fad will be over before the iPad 3 comes out.

    roommate quotes. Quotes Find a Roommate Get
  • Quotes Find a Roommate Get

  • DavidLeblond
    Aug 8, 08:07 AM
    I enjoyed the new features. They seemed "meh" to me when I was reading the live transcript, but when I actually saw them they impressed me. Timewarp is so much more than "volume shadow copy" and Spaces is much more than "virtual desktops ala X11"

    Anyway, this developer preview is suppose to have the 10 new features in it... does that mean it will have the new Frontrow and the new Photobooth? Because weren't they part of the "whole package" feature?

    roommate quotes. (quotes: freudian, sex
  • (quotes: freudian, sex

  • brianfast
    Jul 5, 07:23 PM
    It would be cool if they allowed made a touch screen iMac and allowed you to run your iOS apps in OS, like with the simulator included in iPhone SDK.

    But if OSX and iOS merge, I am leaving apple forever. That would be suicide.

    roommate quotes. Or when my roommate was
  • Or when my roommate was

  • oblomow
    Mar 3, 04:58 AM
    lone hiker

    roommate quotes. umajill bach quotes,
  • umajill bach quotes,

  • KonaBlend
    May 4, 10:02 PM
    Presumably '3D' means '3D without glasses'.

    I'd much prefer a PPI bump as reading PDF files in portrait orientation could use it. Would like to see it doubled from 132 PPI to 264 PPI (double resolution to 2048x1536).

    roommate quotes. random witty quotes and
  • random witty quotes and

  • thegoldenmackid
    Nov 2, 04:03 PM
    Whine whine whine. That clearly makes Apple fix the problem.

    roommate quotes. me and my roommate on the
  • me and my roommate on the

  • quigleybc
    Sep 22, 01:15 PM
    How could Wal Mart feel threatened by anything.

    They are more powerful than most countries.

    the ITMS has been kickin in full swing for years now, and Wal Mart still leads in CD sales, and music distribution by a long shot.

    I hope this goes really public and gets exposed through the media, so everyone knows what WM is trying to do.

    I would have loved to hear the phone call between Jobs and Lee.

    roommate quotes. her college roommate was
  • her college roommate was

  • MattInOz
    Apr 15, 01:53 AM
    I think it's simpler than that - Apple wasn't ready to tip their full hand, just whet everyone's appetite.

    Hence us seeing an older, less complete build while the final version is still being polished.

    For those who are expressing outrage that perfect and bug-free applications aren't being delivered - you couldn't afford them. While it can be done, it can't be done for consumer (or even "Pro") level pricing.

    I don't about FCP but a lot of other PRO software has moved to yearly updates with maintenance subscription pricing to give users confidence.

    I know in CAD/BIM Land we tend to buy this years release for last years features. Not that there aren't new features that will be really useful it takes us about a year to workout how to use them effectively, build that in to office system that can be used consistently and start training people only 3-6 months is the application developers ironing out the bugs.

    To me Pro-software is no different to another member of staff, with all the same complications and relationship building energy before increased productivity comes a round.

    roommate quotes. random witty quotes and
  • random witty quotes and

  • jmpage2
    Nov 12, 11:02 AM
    The trade off is performance.

    Certainly a lot of applications for the iphone could be moved to a web front end, however the applications would be far less sophisticated and would run much slower.

    The choice of letting everyone run wild and do whatever the hell they want with the phones is a bad choice. Just look at all the wankers down in Australia who were too lazy to change ssh passwords on their phones and got pwnd by a worm.

    If you want to do whatever the heck you want then run a jailbroken phone and take all of the risks.

    I do think that Apple needs to work harder on App approval, and I believe the best thing for them to do is have a gold certification level for developers who are trusted. Those developers would be allowed to make as many changes to their applications as they wanted without any interference or approval from apple.

    roommate quotes. Awesome Real Life Quotes
  • Awesome Real Life Quotes

  • Compile 'em all
    Nov 12, 03:16 PM
    I thought he was gonna share a specific experience or incident that got him fed up

    Instead he's just vehemently opposed to the model, which means he should have never started coding in the first place. When you code a release up to 3.0 and then quit on basic principle, that's retarded

    It probably has to do with the three20 project incident a couple of days ago. Basically some devs had their apps rejected because they were using three20 which had some private API calls.

    roommate quotes. Quotes Find a Roommate Get
  • Quotes Find a Roommate Get

  • mooncaine
    Sep 12, 03:41 PM
    GRRRRRRRRRR! I want to upgrade my current videos to 640x480... HOW?

    The usual answer would be: start with a new source, and compress that to 640x480. If you start with a video that's already 320x240, you can't expect it to look better if you later try to re-encode it to a larger screen size. Can't get data from nowhere... can't get blood from a stone.

    roommate quotes. Awesome Real Life Quotes
  • Awesome Real Life Quotes

  • Evangelion
    Sep 14, 05:21 AM
    Personally I'm getting tired of Apple and their color choices. You have to pay more for black? What if you want 8 GB but you don't want black? What then? I'm not liking the approach Apple is taking on the color choices of their products.

    I guess that if they hand't released black model at all, everybody would be happy. Same thing with MacBooks. Had Apple only released the two white models, no-one would have complained. But when the announced a pricier third moder, the BlackBook, the whining started.

    Don't want to pay extra? Then don't.

    roommate quotes. My Roommate Liz and I
  • My Roommate Liz and I

  • TUD
    Mar 25, 12:22 PM
    Hope it resolves the short battery life since updating to 4.3!

    roommate quotes. Occasional Quotes;
  • Occasional Quotes;

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 25, 09:56 PM
    Just because some are successful does not mean all can be. There is plenty of racism still around in most countries, and yes it does effect the less off more than those that are well off.
    Because Blacks are not all the same. You cant lump people of one race all in one group and expect them to all to have the same results. There is a history in the US of racism that still effects many black Americans. Many black Americans can't afford to go to college for example. Poverty is a vicious cycle that preys on its self.

    Because some are successful does not mean all can be? That's crap. I'm not lumping them into one group, i'm saying their race has a disproportionate amount of poverty compared to others. And we're not even talking about the US, this thread is about Britain. Many blacks in Britain are immigrants, unlike in the US. So they have no history of anything there.

    roommate quotes. now roommates and discover
  • now roommates and discover

  • Mistrblank
    May 5, 08:23 AM
    And it will be called:

    iPad 3D.

    You heard it here first folks.

    Yes we did....three posts before you.

    roommate quotes. Unfortunately, your roommate
  • Unfortunately, your roommate

  • jaxstate
    Aug 29, 09:34 AM
    Yeah I know people who hacked Tiger and hacked Vista too, but most people will buy the OS. You don't make billions if no one is buying your product.
    All of the people I know (except the ones who got their windoze bundled) did not "BUY" their windows, but still use it on their PCs.. ;)

    Run on a G3? How well. I use to have problems with the speed of Panther on my G4 iMac.
    $239 for a bloated DRM infested OS is outrageous.
    I've tried several Vista betas and IMHO it's a pile of crap. It's arguably the largest (unecessary) resource hog of an OS that I've ever seen.

    I see more visual effects in OSX and it's 10000000x easier on a computer. For crying out loud, OSX runs on G3s. 6+ year old computers. On the other side of the coin I guarantee you that you won't see Vista running on a Pentium 3...ever.

    Microsoft is dropping the ball with Vista big time. 6 skus (3 for home users, 3 for businesses), ridiculous hardware requirements, and this pricing is the icing on the cake.

    I'll stick with the 1-2 combo of XP and Win2k for my Windows computing; thanks for offering though, Redmond. Try again.

    Mar 30, 08:48 AM
    For the OP, in the war mongering department how would you compare Bush (W) to Obama? And were you in this forum badmouthing Bush during the Iraq war (not Desert Storm)? JC.

    I don't mind giving a dictator a nudge out the door but after bankrupting ourselves in 2 wars that have done nothing for U.S. security, if the U.N. wants to take action against Libya, they can round up other volunteers to do the job which appears like this is what has happened.

    Here is my take on recent history:

    Iraq: The Iraq War (not Desert Storm) was one big war crime packaged and sold as a threat to the U.S. when it never was. I hold Bush and Cheney responsible. They should be in jail. We spent a couple of trillion and killed and wounded 10s of thousands of U.S. soldiers, and probably killed 100k Iraqi citizens removing a dictator in a country that posed no direct threat to the U.S. Now we have a country that is nominally friendly towards us with plenty of anti-U.S. groups within it's border. Did we get a couple of trillion dollars worth of value as compared to spending a trillion domestically? HELL NO.

    Afganistan: Started as a worthy effort to kill BinLaden to avenge the Twin Tower attacks, but again thanks to El Stupido, we left there before getting the job done, and btw as soon as we left, the situation started reverting to back what it was before we showed up. I've got news for you, as soon as we leave there again, it will once again revert to what it was before. I am not happy that Obama who campaigned on getting us out of bad wars, but two years later we are still in one. This is what the terrorists want. They spend a million, we spend a trillion. Occupying a country to fight terrorists is no win for the occupier. They can wait a life time.We can't afford it. And look at Russia's experience in Afghanistan. History is repeating itself and we are just too stupid to see it. Even if we decided to annex Afghanistan and treat it like a U.S. State, the cultural divide would be great and it would be a huge financial drain for the foreseeable future. When is the U.S. going to really understand that nation building is incredibly expensive and the payoff must be incredibly worthy? And there is absolutely no guarantee that it will be successful. I especially don't see that in this case.

    When the U.S. was overflowing with money we could afford it. Now we can't. We have to get our financial house in order* before we can go traipsing around the world "solving" other people's problems for them. Today, the only excuse I see for us launching into military action is if our national sovereignty is threatened. None of these wars meet that standard.

    *And when I say get our financial house in order, I don't mean take it all away from the people and give it to the corporations. :p

    Now, if you want to consider something very funny, ask the Republican Congress to spend a couple trillion domestically to strengthen the infrastructure of this country and help our citizens. They would scream like stuck pigs. Dangle a war in front of them, no problem. Democrats did not start this war. However I want leadership who can realistically compare the risks against the rewards. Therefore they have failed too. What other political choices are there? We just can't keep spending a billion dollars a day on this kind of a war for the foreseeable future and expect to prevail as a country.

    Apr 13, 04:28 PM
    Having just started filming weddings and shooting my first indie film, I cannot wait for this to arrive in the Mac App Store in June! Although I enjoy using iMovie, I feel a bit underwhelmed now with my use for the program. Being that this has a somewhat similar UI, I'm wondering if the learning curve won't be as steep. I'm just blown away with all the things they mentioned that happened on ingest. This will really free up a lot of time to focus on what matters - editing. Now if only :apple: will give some news on/release the new iMacs.

    Sep 22, 12:51 PM
    they are just afraid. Well competition is a good thing. they better adapt, if not, that's their problem.
    I can careless for Walmart.

    Aug 3, 04:11 PM
    It's normally a silvery/metal color isn't it? - yet it's highlighted orange on the banner... I did a quick Google search and the only other image I could find featuring a similar orange icon is this one:

    I've never really used iSync though, so don't know what all this means or whether there are actually orange versions of the icon found within the app. Anyone care to shed any light?

    Apr 2, 04:45 AM
    The current camera on the iPhone 4 is stellar IMO and many others... an equal 8MP camera would be even better....

    Not necessarily. If the photosites on the sensor are still the same size you will get a worse picture. Higher megapixels != higher quality picture. In most cases they can make pictures worse by adding noise.

    Maybe an 8mp bump will work in the iPhone, maybe not. Depends how the image sensor is created and how the lens is. Unfortunately Sony doesn't have the best track record with consumer imaging. I'd be more excited if Canon was making the camera.

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