Saturday, June 4, 2011

i love you heart pictures

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 26, 06:35 AM
    We are still in a transition period. There is zero reason to think 10.7 won't come on DVD. Not everyone -- actually most -- people in the U.S. do not have high speed broadband (4 Mbps or faster) service either because of cost or availability [stats here for the non-believers:,3343,en_2649_34225_38690102_1_1_1_1,00.html] . It would be suicidal for Apple to ship a multi-GB OS only via download. Especially Apple home users, who bought into Apple because of it's ease of use, are not going to sit for hours as their new shiny OS downloads, then sit for another 15-30 min as it installs.

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  • Custom postcards you design

  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 28, 09:04 AM
    I understand why people like iOS, and it is useful for a lot of things. Productivity is far behind novelty/entertainment at this time, but iOS will become far more versatile when the portable hardware ups a few leaps.

    iOS 9 + iPad 5 might be worth the hype. IMO

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  • i love you heart. heart

  • themacthinker
    Oct 26, 11:36 PM
    Apple is coming up with an update of their production suite this January.
    Adobe can keep trying, I don't think that they are getting even close...

    i love you heart pictures. I love you heart
  • I love you heart

  • Apple Corps
    Feb 18, 06:43 PM

    Many posts and responses in this thread have been removed for violating the Forum Rules.

    A quick reminder: please avoid replying to posts that break the rules. Doing so increases its exposure, encourages offenders to continue, and makes more work for the moderators. This translates to slower response times. Instead, report the post using the "report post" button ( to the left of each post. Thanks.

    Eric - good point that we don't want to give these violators more forum visibility to spread their garbage. That said, many of us hope that there will be tighter moderation and action against this behavior.

    Also - were any of the bad actors banned?


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  • heart i love you image

  • kdarling
    Feb 24, 09:28 AM
    Technology should help us.

    Imagine if all smartphones had either a multi-user selector, or at the least a "child" mode that was easy to turn on.

    Even if you're not a parent, many people have lent their smartphone to a niece or nephew, little brother or sister, to entertain them while on the road or at a restaurant. Heck, I keep one app folder just for my grandkids who are 2 or 3 years old.

    Then you and they get frustrated because they hit a Home or Menu key, and you have to get them back into the app they were using.

    It'd be great if we could quickly set a kid mode that locks them into a certain app or folder. For that matter, it'd be handy for when you loan your phone to a friend, spouse or boss :)

    i love you heart pictures. I love you red heart and stars
  • I love you red heart and stars

  • bartelby
    Sep 25, 12:15 PM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    And your proof for that statment is?

    The fact the shipping time has dropped couldn't be they've had more stock delivered could it?


    i love you heart pictures. BEAR with I LOVE YOU HEART

  • JAT
    Apr 13, 12:23 AM
    Why would customers be preferring the Verizon iPad? The (factory unlocked) GSM iPad can be used in nearly every country, and domestically AT&T has faster 3G service if I recall correctly. Although Verizon has better voice and better coverage, I can't see people in metropolitan areas actually being better off with the CDMA iPad. Since the iPad data payment can't be tied to a pre-existing AT&T or Verizon cell phone plan, I just don't see much advantage to getting a Verizon iPad unless you live in an area without AT&T service. Thoughts?

    Well, I can get 22% off a Verizon plan, that sort of thing might matter. Although, I don't want a 3G iPad, matter to me.

    One point I would like to make is that for normal surfing the speed difference really doesn't matter much. My ViPhone is about as fast for average webpages as my 30x faster home internet. Math: I regularly get 33Mbps or more at home (got 37 just now), testing with, still haven't broken 1Mbps on V 3G in various places around town.

    But I hardly matters because webpages are simple text. You all can measure your all you want, but loading a couple text files takes almost no throughput. Video streaming and action gaming are different, of course, but those are not the most common uses of a smartphone or iPad.

    I could measure the difference in speed to load a page, say this page of this forum, and it would be obviously faster at home. But it's still only seconds, maybe fractions of seconds. I read fast, but not so fast that 2 seconds or so can change my life. For most people, this is the reality that makes it not matter.* No, I'm not going to choose 3G for Netflix vs my home internet. But then, 90" screen is better for TV than 3.5", anyway.

    The only usage of my iPhone so far where I've truly noticed the slower speed is app downloading. Which is not a major part of my life. If it's massive-upgrade-day for my apps, I'll wait til I'm on wifi at home to download them.

    * Also, crap DNS speed really throws many people for surfing, anyway. The internet's dirty little secret. I wonder how many millions don't realize they could be faster by typing a couple digits into setup.

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  • i love you heart images.

  • jwascher
    Feb 23, 10:52 PM
    Looks to me like they all have white wine in their glasses, but Steve's is still full while everyone has been drinking form theirs'.


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  • i love you heart images.

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 8, 11:07 AM
    These greedy right-wingers refusing to cut the corporate handouts and raise taxes are going to force financial hardship on hundreds of thousands of people if there's a shut-down. They need to put their zealotry aside for a moment, and realize that the revenue has to be fixed. now. $Trillions in debt? And they want to spend more on bull #$%& missiles and planes? Talk about clueless. When you're this far in debt, you can't afford to flush more money down the toilet on controversial programs like defense, etc.

    Fixed that for you. Because it, you know, goes both ways n' stuff. :rolleyes:

    i love you heart pictures. Red heart with the words I
  • Red heart with the words I

  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 01:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-gb; Nexus One Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

    don't like apple? then treat apple like an ex wife or girlfriend.

    get a divorce!

    then go find somebody else to vent your frustrations on.

    To like Apple, you don't have to 100% agree with everything they do.


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  • evilgEEk
    Oct 9, 03:05 PM
    I thought Wal-Mart denied these claims?

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  • maflynn
    May 5, 01:37 PM
    The real question is why do people still buy Macs (in increasing numbers) in spite of this... hmmm... makes you wonder...

    Because more and more people are seeing that the hardware and software that apple produce is very good. Many people are willing to pay a premium for some items. there's also the coolness factor, apple used this quite adeptly with the iPods, iPhones and now Macs.

    Also as AppleScruff1 stated some people here cannot admit that for many people windows is a great solution for their needs.

    Not everyone needs a core i7 desktop to email their friends and family or check their facebook status. Simply put many people find windows to work out of the box without much fuss.


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  • Holding I LOVE YOU HEART

  • Blakjack
    Apr 21, 01:26 PM
    Apple and its development community are joined at the hip.

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  • i love you heart gif.

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 5, 03:23 PM
    I always question the sanity of people who use laptops this way.

    Color me insane then. Tapping the trackpad is way easier than clicking it, and I don't ever recall making an accidental tap the had any negative impact.


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  • eburr
    Mar 16, 07:36 PM
    I saw on this website that it looks like they have been holding them for the morning. From what I have seen this is holding true, at least at Willow Bend and Stonebriar.

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  • i love you heart images.

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 10:57 AM
    Um, no it doesn't Fuji S1, S2, S3 RAW Files are not supported. This camera is used by more wedding photographers than any other.

    S2 and S3 now supported. See the right sidebar on the raw page (


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  • I Heart NY shirts.

  • FrankieTDouglas
    Apr 9, 12:34 AM
    I am all for getting rid of those too. This topic was about PP, so I expressed my feelings for that colossal waste of money. I didn't want to stray too far off topic.

    Well since you're on a streak here, how do you feel about public education? Is elementary school a government handout and should be best left to private schools, even for those who can't foot the bill?

    Are roads also a government handout? Should all of them be privately owned tolls roads?

    I'm curious to see where a self-proclaimed proud bigot draws the line.

    i love you heart pictures. I Love You Heart Pictures.
  • I Love You Heart Pictures.

  • amacgenius
    Sep 1, 01:38 AM
    Who wants to take bets on when the update will be released on torrent sites and FTP servers just like the dev beta? :D

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  • I Love You - Heart Shaped

  • foofan
    Mar 25, 08:23 AM
    I called my local verizon store. girl told me she would only sell an original ipad bundled with their mifi. Forget it.

    Jan 6, 05:04 PM
    I had to delete the Facebook app and reinstall for the push notification options to come up on my phone. Did try restarting the phone before that but made little difference.

    I've done both those things as well but the push still is not working for me.

    Sep 27, 04:51 PM
    Luckily none of you have a Mac Pro with build 8K1079. It is complete *****. Build 8K1079 is horrible, hell-half of System Preferences doesn't work, Rosetta can't keep PPC apps open, can't plug in some USB devices, can't restart without holding power button down, the curtain of death happens.....a lot. So many problems with build 8K1079 that we don't/can't use it at work here.

    Apr 4, 01:15 PM
    I first assumed the burning of luxury items was being loyal to family and tradition because the items were wicked and not traditional. I guess not.

    Mar 21, 11:11 AM
    anyone have any luck over the weekend?

    Dec 4, 03:59 PM
    Here's ( a great site to get this done.

    I ordered my kit from a different supplier, but used Zeetron's videos to install my kit. With Zeetron, it's only $170 for the DIY kit, or for $200 total they'll install it with 2 way overnight shipping. Pretty sweet deal either way

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