Tuesday, May 31, 2011

native american wallpapers

native american wallpapers. PS06 - Native Americans by
  • PS06 - Native Americans by

  • eggstone
    Nov 24, 09:29 AM
    In store you should be able to get both discounts.

    I am looking forward to hear the follow up on this story. I really doubted you can get both EDU and Thanksgiving discount together, even in store.

    Maybe one can just ask the question to a on-line apple-store-chat staff?

    native american wallpapers. Tags: native american warrior
  • Tags: native american warrior

  • jsw
    Jan 10, 08:02 PM
    I agree it was immature.

    Still, it probably will lead vendors to 'secure' their sets in the future, and the fact that it was so obnoxious and obvious means it's very unlikely this sort of vulnerability will present itself next year.

    native american wallpapers. Native American Woman Horse
  • Native American Woman Horse

  • Eraserhead
    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    It's people who promote homosexuality through media, education, culture, and government that people should be afraid of.

    And they are?

    Last time I checked, it didn't take material wealth to have good character or to be exposed to it.

    Of course not, but generally it does require being middle class. You can be a successful plumber or builder and a good role model. But if you are poor and out of work, or you have a low skilled job - such as working at McDonalds - you aren't likely to be a good role model.

    native american wallpapers. Native American Wallpaper
  • Native American Wallpaper

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 21, 10:28 PM
    Better. Can we turn it off in User CP Options?

    native american wallpapers. 3-native-american-sundial-
  • 3-native-american-sundial-

  • cynerjist
    Jan 8, 10:40 PM
    Probably. :D BTW, you have a link to that? Edit: nvm I found it on MS's site. (http://www.microsoft.com/events/executives/billgates.mspx)

    i couldn't get anything that's a windows media file to play. here is a link for people with that problem. it has all keynotes as .flv

    native american wallpapers. native american wallpapers.
  • native american wallpapers.

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 07:43 PM
    The issue here is that bloggers and online journalists are still a fairly new medium and haven't been fully accepted yet. This would happen with any sort of group that didn't have a history.

    I would bet that no print media journalist would ever pull crap like this, either. He/she would have been fired on the spot and the publication itself would have issued a real apology, not post a video online and issue a half-hearted apology to one group.

    Whoa. You honestly think that there isn't anyone in the print media that pulled stuff like that? You haven't read a lot of the more satirical magazines.

    And by saying "haven't been fully accepted yet" you really mean "the big print media guys are still in their transition." They all know print is basically dead, they've been trying to transition for years. Some morons with a blog turning off tvs at a tech conference are not going to stop this transition. If anything it will lead to conferences learning how to properly vet online media like they do with print media.

    native american wallpapers. native american wallpapers.
  • native american wallpapers.

  • Prodo123
    Mar 18, 10:21 PM
    So far people have told me why my iPhone 4 is inferior to other phones, and the reasons are ridiculous.
    "It looks bad" LOL.
    "It's made of glass" I have iArmor Casing (Reference to that steel back photo at 9to5mac)
    "Its camera has less megapixels than mine" It shoots with better color balance.
    "It's expensive" It costs as much as any other smartphone.
    "It's too flat" It doesn't wobble around when I put it on the table.
    "It's rectangular" It doesn't slip out of my hand, like pod-shaped phones.
    "It's fragile" Again, iArmor Casing and 6 feet drops have not destroyed my phone yet.
    "Customer service sucks" LOLOLOL.
    "Antennagate much?" Never happened to me.
    "You can't remove the battery" The battery doesn't need removing; it never dies.
    "My phone shoots 1080p" Good luck storing 8 5-minute 1080p videos on a 16GB phone.
    "Apple Fanboy" Thunderbolt is a good phone, and Apple has some serious issues with labor.
    "App Store isn't open to everybody" and therefore has more reliable apps.
    "Screen is too small" 326ppi makes up for it.
    "iPhone 4 is slow" LOL.
    "AT&T sucks" ...Moving on :D

    native american wallpapers. native american wallpapers.
  • native american wallpapers.

  • sn
    May 4, 05:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    "It's just getting started..."

    So don't buy one yet!

    native american wallpapers. native american wallpapers.
  • native american wallpapers.

  • apfhex
    Jan 5, 03:17 PM
    Right in the beginning, there was a live video feed to all the Apple stores... I went to two of them, both at the Mall of America store (and both times sat next to some very quirky Mac users... y'know... the regular type). Then one year, I went and it wasn't on. I was pissed. Then I learned Apple wasn't doing that because it was too expensive or something.
    I wish they at least did that still. I mean, they offer a streaming video after the event, is it really so much more expensive to to offer it live? That would be something worth getting up early and going to the Apple Store for.

    Although I find enough excitement in both reading the live text updates and then getting to go to Apple's site and see the product pages,and watch them in action in the keynote video.

    native american wallpapers. native american wallpapers. in
  • native american wallpapers. in

  • *LTD*
    Mar 6, 02:18 PM
    One problem I see with Apple though is once they have their successful recipe, they tend to stagnate on it. That's when the competition gets the jump, starts innovating themselves and pushes ahead.

    No they don't. They just attempt to copy (often badly), then license universally and flood the market with a lot junk that includes a ton of different models at very low price points.

    native american wallpapers. Native American Indian Web
  • Native American Indian Web

  • JBaker122586
    Oct 6, 07:27 PM
    Getting back to the actual advertisement. What self-respecting advertising professional would use someone else's tagline like that.

    I had a few friends watching the football game (where we saw the ad) and half of them thought it was an iphone commercial because they were only half paying attention and heard "there's a map for that".

    Pretty shoddy work in my opinion.

    As an advertising professional with no prior knowledge of this ad, I can tell you that this advertisement was almost certainly pushed by the client rather than the agency. Clients often obsess about responding to competitors' ads, even when it's not the best decision strategically or creatively.

    native american wallpapers. Tags: native american android
  • Tags: native american android

  • morespce54
    May 4, 10:15 AM
    ...One of the main promotional points of Android as its popularity has soared has been the unregulated nature of the app marketplaces for the platform. As opposed to Apple's belief that customers are better served by a marketplace in which Apple serves as the gatekeeper to ensure that apps meet certain standards, Android has been much more of a free-for-all with developers free to release nearly any type of application for use on compatible devices....
    Users can of course work around carrier restrictions with methods known as "sideloading" that allow users to install apps through unapproved sources, but most casual users are undoubtedly sticking to mainstream, authorized marketplaces such as the Android Market for their needs.

    That's funny...

    native american wallpapers. 6 fantasy native american
  • 6 fantasy native american

  • freeny
    Oct 11, 08:09 AM
    And the saga continues....
    Apples new codec reading giving the ipod twice the play time on a battery charge does give a little backing to the story....

    just release the damn thing already.

    native american wallpapers. Wallpaper, Native American
  • Wallpaper, Native American

  • Ugg
    May 4, 02:37 PM
    Guns are within my scope of practice (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rchoi/detail?entry_id=88328)

    Should pediatricians be punished for asking about guns in the home?

    Far be it for me, a Bay Area pediatrician, to tell Floridians about how to keep their kids safe. But having spent half of my life in the south (and I don't mean LA), perhaps I am only partially carpetbagging.

    Florida's Governor Scott is on the verge of signing into law a bill that would penalize doctors for asking about guns in the home. The original bill shockingly included a $5 million fine and a five year prison sentence if a doctor asked about a patient's gun ownership, entered gun ownership information into a medical record, or refused to care for patients who declined to answer related questions. An unsatisfying compromise amendment between the NRA and the Florida chapter of the AMA limited the penalty to the possible revocation of a medical license and would allow questions about gun ownership and entry of that information into the medical record only if "medically necessary".

    Similar legislation is making its way through the Alabama legislature.

    Particularly bewildering to me were claims made by state legislators that gun safety was outside the scope of a pediatrician's practice. According to Marion Hammer, a past president of the NRA, "Families take their kids to pediatricians for medical care, not to talk about guns."

    Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.

    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    native american wallpapers. Sexy Native American
  • Sexy Native American

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 12, 01:13 AM

    mmmmmmMan, now I have the taste for one.

    native american wallpapers. american indian wallpaper.
  • american indian wallpaper.

  • rhett7660
    Apr 22, 10:37 AM
    WTH.. -1 already!!!! I don't like it..... :eek::D


    native american wallpapers. native american wallpaper
  • native american wallpaper

  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 10:57 PM
    really good ad. This series in reminiscent of the "think different" ad campaign.

    native american wallpapers. native american wallpapers.
  • native american wallpapers.

  • DTphonehome
    Oct 19, 04:37 PM
    Dividends, yes that would be a good idea, what with $10 billion in cash on hand. Microsoft finally decided that their cash horde was becoming a bit of an embarrassment and declared one.

    Seriously, the more I think about it, the more upset I am that they aren't offering one. I mean, what the heck are they goint to do with $10 billion? Even the most aggressive expansion and R&D strategy doesn't justify holding onto that. And it would be a great way to offset any damage from the options fiasco. And it would boost the shares 5% (at least) on announcement. They USED to pay a dividend (1987-1995). It's time to bring it back!

    native american wallpapers. Native American Artwork 040111
  • Native American Artwork 040111

  • maczter
    Nov 17, 01:03 PM
    meh. While it may or may not happen soon in the portables, I really would like to see at least the option sometime next year to get an AMD 4x4 based Mac Pro instead of Intel's pseudo quad-core...


    I say AMD-based macs will definitely happen. I also say that Apple will not abandon Intel. They will merely offer various machines with your choice based on chips from the two vendors or perhaps some models that use chips from only on of the two vendors while other models let you choose, just as pretty much every single PC maker does these days. All this panic about "Apple wouldn't abandon Intel already", etc. is just silliness. Nobody says they can only work with Intel OR AMD but not both. Working with both is good for everyone as it keeps both suppliers on their toes and more eager to please. Why do you think Hugh Hefner keeps three girfriends these days? ;)

    Aug 10, 03:41 PM
    I ordered mine on Monday and got it yesterday (ground shipping!). [...]
    Reminds of an issue many years ago when Apple released the G3 (B&W).
    The first batch had a crippled ATA bus due to the wrong chip.
    If you bought the same machine, same model number, same specs
    a month later you had a different chip and much improved Hard Drive performance.
    How could you tell them apart?
    You had to search out the chip inside the G3 and find the number on the chip to compare with the newer one.

    Jul 30, 07:00 PM
    well i still have 3 main machines for folding, but none are back up to full force.

    i don't have any of them running over 3.6 ghz (the fastest now is like 3.55 or so). so right now i'm just running -advmethods instead of -bigadv on 2 of them, and i'm actually using the other one, so no cpu folding right now.

    Jan 13, 09:12 AM
    So gizmodo is responsible for this how?

    Gizmodo is responsible for this because it vouched for the prankster and obtained a credential for him. Media organizations put their reputations at stake each time they obtain a credential for someone, whether it's to a high school basketball game, a trade show or a political event.

    Apr 29, 01:59 PM
    I don't understand why people are panicking about the iPad thing. The iPad has some nice features people enjoyed so they are bringing it to the desktop. Its not like you have to USE those features but if it makes computing more enjoyable why not use it?

    It'll be nice for those of us who do real work on our computers all day long to have some of these conveniences. For some reason though whenever Apple simplifies something people start crying "Apple doesn't care about the pro users anymore!" (Even though in reality of the person were truly a "pro user" they would welcome anything that helps them get their job done more efficiently).Spotlight is what brought me to OS X and it is now what killed it for me.

    I am already loathing Unity on Ubuntu.

    Apr 21, 11:23 AM
    Yeah, I see what you're saying. I was able to change the vote on your post back and forth from 1 to -1 with one click.

    On a side note, before I start a new thread about it, is anyone having issues with the ability to view PMs? I'm getting a "fatal error".

    I voted Skunk's post as well so that accounts for one vote.

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