Monday, June 13, 2011

bull shark

bull shark. Bull Shark - Whale Shark
  • Bull Shark - Whale Shark

  • cmaier
    Mar 31, 05:20 PM
    It is crazy for people to pretend like Google makes Android to be benevolent and help the world. They have financial motives, and they have to protect their interests.

    Agreed. But then Google should stop spouting off about how they have altruistic motives rooted in openness and puppies.

    bull shark. The Bull Shark (Carcharhinus
  • The Bull Shark (Carcharhinus

  • mdelvecchio
    Mar 31, 03:56 PM
    Keep in mind that Google tightening up Android and forcing handset makers to adhere to certain guidelines is primarily a problem for the *handset makers* and carriers--but not consumers.

    not when Google blocks handset makers from releasing innovations that would be good for consumers but bad for google. they may have tried to do such strong-arming -- a geo-services company claims it was shut-out by the makers due to google not wanting makers to license optional alternatives to google services.

    bull shark. Bull shark we released.
  • Bull shark we released.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 01:32 PM
    I'm very specific on what I praise Reagan for... including his excellent ability to speak eloquently about the values of the free market, small government, etc. I've repeatedly said that he was far from perfect... but it's less easy for you to argue with reality when you can just make up my positions on one man... isn't it?

    Reagan was not about small government at all. He massively increased government spending and the size of the military. He may have spoken eloquently about small government, but they were empty words. There isn't much to praise there.

    Speaking of making up positions, almost every post you make contains a micharacterization of what other people say, but phrased as a question so as to make it seem more innocent.

    bull shark. picture of a ull shark.
  • picture of a ull shark.

  • Ja Di ksw
    Aug 25, 05:15 PM
    I would just like to say that every time I have dealth with Apple's help (blue line on screen, crack on trackpad, melted power brick cord, ordering, etc), they have been superb. Very professional, very helpful, and very quick. Does this add much to the discussion? No, but too often we only hear the bad, so I wanted to put in some good as well.

    bull shark. by a ull shark, above,
  • by a ull shark, above,

  • bilbo--baggins
    Aug 25, 05:04 PM
    The PowerMac G5 I bought last year had a fan that constantly 'clicked'. It took several calls to AppleCare to get it sorted. Before you got anywhere you had to speak to someone that could barely speak English, who you had to humour by following their instructions to reboot the computer, reset PRAM etc. Then they wanted to have a company collect my Mac and take it away for repair. Only if you're really stubborn do you actually get them to send you the part to fit yourself. Even then they couldn't agree on whether the old fan needed to be returned. They took my credit card details in case I didn't return the old fan, then the info with the new fan told me I didn't need to return the old fan. Then I phoned them to clarify this, and they told me I must return the old fan or I would be charged. Totally baffled, I rang yet again and this time was assured that I didn't need to return it. Complete shambles.

    It's irritating from a personal point of view. But what really disappoints me is that this is the kind of service new customers are getting. So much for the halo effect - apple are tarnishing it themselves. I'm a long time Apple fan and a few buffoons (who have probably only worked for Apple for a few months) won't begin to damage my loyalty. But can the same be said for first time iPod or Mac users?

    bull shark. Bull Shark (Carcharhinus
  • Bull Shark (Carcharhinus

  • Stellarola
    Apr 14, 01:54 AM
    My fianc� and I have been holding out since our first gen iPhones. This is a true bummer. I feels it's true. :(

    bull shark. ull shark drawing.
  • ull shark drawing.

  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 10:14 AM
    Could be that they are expecting a flood of returns after they introduce the new MB and MBP. And they are waiting so they can send out fresh referbs. Just a though.
    and i hope u are right! :D

    bull shark. Photo Gallery
  • Photo Gallery

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 11, 12:58 PM
    This is bunk. Apple will not miss Christmas. Period, end of discussion.

    If the 5 launches a short while before Christmas, the supply constraints would be 10x worse than they are for the iPad right now.

    The only thing this rumor proves is that bloggers, speculators, and analysts are getting irritated with the lack of solid info compared to this time last year.

    I agree. I'm going to have a good laugh if WWDC intros the iPhone 5 to be available within a month, just like the last 3 years have been.

    bull shark. Bull shark (Carcharhinus
  • Bull shark (Carcharhinus

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 6, 02:54 PM
    I have tried the vista Beta, and ran in via BootCamp, so no different hardware. Tiger is miles ahead of vista.
    Put simply: Tiger Works.... Vista Crashes and takes 2 years longer than tiger to do the same task.
    I don't care how it looks, i don't care about see-through windows. I want something that works. Tiger gives me that.... and i hope leopard makes it even better. Tiger is ahead of the competition, hopefully leopard will be further forward, beating Vista to where it should be... In a beige, boring box:D

    Vista is also 6 months out, prob more. This is no different then when Apple released 10.0. There WAS a reason 10.1 was free to 10.0 users. Microsoft will get this cleaned up over the 18+ months it takes Apple to come out with 10.6. Leopard has to go the distance and I two have been using Vista inhouse since early Alpha's for internal app testing. Its come a long way. It still has a long way to go still but the core IS there. MS simply needs to bug fix the heck out of it. Which will happen within 2-4 months of release with SP1 and then SP2 another 6 months after that.

    Mac OS X Leopard
    Introducing Vista 2.0



    Is that real? PLEASE tell me that is real! :D Priceless.

    bull shark. the sharks this year.
  • the sharks this year.

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 6, 11:16 AM
    I am shocked that anyone finds this as a positive.

    So you all want a drop from 1.86/2.13 to 1.4GHz CPUs in your 13" MBA? That is a 30% drop.

    Then you want another drop of approaching 50% in graphics performance? Remember these IGPs clock in much lower than the STD voltage SB used in 13" MBP.

    I find this completely backwards from Apple's current position on both CPU and graphics, and I don't think anyone would end up with a faster or better 13" MBA than the current generation. Apple would certainly have to bring back the backlit keyboard and introduce Thunderbolt to sucker anyone into buying such inferior junk! I would recommend people buy the current generation on clearance rather than lose performance everywhere like this. If this is the chip Apple uses in the 13" MBA, prepare for a big drop in capabilities!

    I am still in shock anyone finds this a positive? Have you all read the clock speed? The facts about the chip and IGP in ultra low voltage variants?

    clock speed is not everything... a 1.4ghz sb processor will kill anything you are doing with a 2.4ghz c2d. There are many other factors in a processor than just clock speed so i wouldn't be worried. There is no doubt that the sb will be a much faster processor than the ancient c2d.

    Also, I would say 50% less graphics is a bit of a stretch. Haven't personally ran any benchmarks but was reading a thread the other day and in the benchmarks and graphics they were showing that the 320m averages about 5-10 extra fps over the 3000.

    here is a thread you can look at and compare for yourself.

    Sure the integrated graphics are going to be slightly worse, but at least you will have a nice new processor. Can't always have your cake and eat it too, especially in an ultraportable.

    When the mba was refreshed everyone was complaining about the outdated processor, now rumors of a processor upgrade and people bitch about the integrated graphics. Guess you can't please everyone but jesus, sometimes it just seems like people find anything they can to complain about.

    Here's a simple solution for all of you, if you want the "slightly" better graphics go buy a macbook air right now, it's not like apple has stopped selling them. If you'd rather have a sandy bridge processor, wait it out. Seems simple but i guess that's just me?!?!?!:eek:

    bull shark. Area Map of Bull Shark Barge
  • Area Map of Bull Shark Barge

  • backdraft
    Aug 26, 02:49 PM
    Call it what you want but these new MacBooks are crap. Yea there is people who are enjoying theirs without a hitch but look at all the reports of problems. Not once on this forum have we had a flood of problems with a single unit. Apple dropped the ball on this one. Poorly made unit

    Apple is now getting their parts from the same bin that PC makers use. Intel = cheap parts. Cheap parts = low quality.

    Same thing with the batteries....

    OS X can run on PPC and X86. Apple should target X86 to consumers and PPC for pro's.

    That $100 million that Apple just wasted on Creative could have meant new supercooled mobile G5's if it would have been pumped into IBM ( Instead we have these halfbaked Wintel parts to deal with MUCH fewer problems with PowerPC based Mac's.

    bull shark. on the sharks of Mossel
  • on the sharks of Mossel

  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 12:02 PM
    I'm not a birther. But I would love to know why the certificate looks new when the president is nearly 50. Now I'm about five months older than he, my original birth certificate has faded. The certificate he produced clearly isn't the original. Or if it is the original, it's astoundingly well-preserved.

    He hasn't been carrying this around for 50 years. Did you actually read the article?

    The White House also released a letter from the president on April 22 requesting two certified copies of his original certificate of live birth. Also released was a letter from Loretta Fuddy, Hawaii's director of health, approving the request.
    The president's personal counsel, Judith Corley, traveled to Hawaii to pick up the documents and carried them back to Washington on a plane. The documents arrived at the White House around 5 p.m. Tuesday.

    bull shark. ull shark pictures.
  • ull shark pictures.

  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 10:49 PM
    Really, completely new? As in, to Core 2 what the G5 was to G4? In just two years?? I guess they're really ramping things up... Core 3 Hexa Mac Pros, anyone?

    Intel's stated plans as I understand them are thus:

    A new micro-arch every 2 years. I don't think they mean brand new so much as "significant changes/improvements". Whether this is akin to Yonah->Conroe or Netburst->Conroe remains to be seen, but more like the former (or perhaps Pentium-M -> Merom -- Core Duo was very much a stop-gap). Little has been released about Nehalem, but at one time it was slated as "based on Banias/Dothan", due in 2005 and expected to ramp to 9/10GHz.

    "Off" years will recieve derivative versions (e.g. Merom->Penryn), which appears to be mostly stuff like L2 cache increases, faster FSB speeds (at least while we have FSBs - 2008 looks like the year for DCI, finally), die shrinks, increasing the number of cores (expect at least one to be more cores on a single die instead of two dice/package), etc.

    Die shrinks are currently scheduled for "off" years, in order to stablize the process ready for the new micro-arch in the following year so Intel doesn't need to deal with both new process and new arch at the same time, and presumably in part to keep speed increases coming in "off" years

    Of course, roadmaps can change quite rapidly -- it's not that long ago that Whitfield was expected to debut late 2006 with DCI (FSB replacement). Whitfield was replaced by Tigerton which is now due sometime in 2007...

    One thing's for sure, Intel appears to have learnt a great deal from the Netburst fiasco -- how not to do things, if nothing else. Unfortunately, they still estimate ~50% of processors shipping in 1Q2007 will be netburst-based (mostly Pentium-D).

    bull shark. A Bull Shark at #39;The Cod Hole#39;
  • A Bull Shark at #39;The Cod Hole#39;

  • Benjamins
    Mar 31, 07:11 PM
    That, right there, is one of the reasons why the Apple community is widely mocked. You should be ashamed of yourself. A complete lack of understanding on the most basic principles of technology.

    And Google fanboys still can't tell the difference between "Open", "Standard", "Free", "Open source" and "Proprietary". So I'd say those who do the mocking are not exactly all the bright either.

    bull shark. ull shark
  • ull shark

  • charlituna
    Apr 5, 10:34 PM
    Problem is, its still Final Cut and will still suck at managing media.

    Guess you want us to believe you are one of the folks blessed with an advance look

    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    It's called 3rd party software and an external burner. Us big boys do it that way all the time.

    bull shark. Bull Shark Feeds On Reef
  • Bull Shark Feeds On Reef

  • mc68k
    Dec 3, 07:50 PM
    well i havent posted a lot at MR recently. i'm a long time fan of the GT series. played GT1, 2, 4. 100% completed all i think (to the extent that you could ie GT4) . memorized every track, every braking point, how to ram cars, how to cut parts of the track off, how to handle all drivetrains, how to race with dpad or analog stick, how to variate braking/accel. never used a race wheel. i'm really a purist, i won't cheat unless i have to get to the front of the pack. i like to race low HP cars or poorer handling cars or compete with a lower HP car. i read all the descriptions. i scour the used car lot for rarities. i spot cars all the time in real life and like to see them well represented in the game. i would've bought a PS3 just for this game, but i ended up getting the PS3 sooner. ive been waiting for this game for years. i like to watch car shows on tv like the spike powerblock shows, 2 guys garage, gearz, top gear (new US one sucks), battle of the supercars, mecum auctions, barrett jackson auctions, my classic car, etc

    pre ordered but didnt get any of the special packs. those are pretty cool and have some nice things but i'm more about the game itself. collectors editions of games to me are akin to special editions of DVDs where u don't really get much for the extra $ u are paying.

    i havent raced online yet. i read in a review where you dont really get any rewards like points or $ for the RPG part of the game. im a bit hesitant too at the online play because the fact that every other game i've played online there's a ton of ppl who basically just play the game 12+ hrs a day and cheat, or talk **** or memorize everything. if the online thing is fun though i think that'll be the best lasting part of the game after all the solo A-spec and B-spec stuff is done.

    right now i'm at L18 A and 8 B. id be WAY higher but have been putting more emphasis on 'leveling up' my social life rather than the game. :) plus itll always be there when i get home! playing on a 52" Sony W Bravia too so that's made the whole experience that much better. just bought/pimped out a F40 and won the ferrari race. a bit dissapointed to get a car i can buy from the dealership. a lot of cars you win you can buy, so i usually just end up selling those. bought a lot of used cars and used most, but that's been slowing down my progress too. ive been following the patterns of availiability in the used car section and some hardly ever come up, so ive been buying so i dont have to wait later on in the game.

    in real life i bought a black BMW 2003 540i wagon m-sport. modded the intake to an AFE and the exhaust to a remus, probably due in part to this game and liking cars. now that they have ferrari/lambo i think i'll get better in telling the diff between the models when i see them here in this rich neighborhood where i work. saw a ferrari or lambo at lunch with 3 bunched low tailpipes. be fun to go home and look at the game and see if that car is available in the game!

    anyways now that i know this thread exists i'll read the new posts (read all the old today) and chime in from time to time. maybe get some of your online names too so we can race!

    bull shark. Bull sharks get their name
  • Bull sharks get their name

  • apachie2k
    Sep 19, 06:55 AM
    i wanna a lot of ram in my new 64 bit mbp!! and umm what else....:confused: :eek:

    bull shark. ull shark drawing. ull shark.
  • ull shark drawing. ull shark.

  • S i
    Sep 19, 08:24 AM
    I wish this board would block automatically "************" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Huh? :confused:

    Nice :D

    I'm going to be p*ssed right off if Apple roll out a measly chip update as this latest rumour states. They need to keep up in order to attract the switchers....& keep them. Switching can go both ways of course. Let's see some other MBP updates too, so the wait translates to something positive.


    I'll "bitch & switch" because I go where I feel I can get competitive advantage (rolling many aspects into this). I'm bitching first as a courtesy to Apple. Is it better if people slip off quietly & buy PCs? If community unhappiness hastens some kind of Macbook attention from Apple then that's great.

    bull shark. ull shark attack. ull shark
  • ull shark attack. ull shark

  • zero2dash
    Sep 13, 12:11 PM
    How is this Apple "innovating"? Anandtech just put pre-release quad-core Intel-processor in to an Apple-computer. Apple itself had nothing to do with it. They could have used quad-core Dell-machine just as well.

    The OS takes advantage of the extra 4 cores already therefore its ahead of the technology curve, correct? Gee, no innovation here...please move along folks. :rolleyes:

    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores. You think those fools (the same idiots who came up with Genuine Advantage) actually optimized their OS to run in an 8 core setup? Please pass along what you're smoking. :rolleyes:

    Jul 29, 05:59 PM
    Ok, here goes. (Quick pass)

    Eeek. Not so sure I like that.

    Hmmm... maybe with just one slot?

    A little better. I personally prefer the taller narrower one, though.

    It looks pretty good! The extra room would allow for the 3.5" HDD and a dedicated GPU--making it a "true" media center.

    Not to nitpick, but maybe it would only have to be 1.5x wider rather than 2x wide. Either way, I think it's pretty cool. Thanks! ;)

    Mar 31, 08:21 PM
    Has LTD ever posted anything not pro-Apple?

    I'll give it to you dude, you're very articulate and you have a way of spinning things to sound like you're right, but you are blatantly against anything that encourages competition or threatens Apple in any way.

    Nov 29, 02:44 AM
    What on earth are these people at music studio's thinking!!! Did they get royalties for every stereo sold? NO, so neither should they get anything for iPod or any hardware sales. Only for the products THEY supply, should they get money, being the music and movies/ video's, in other words the content.
    This is typical behaviour of music studio's and I sincerely hope that Apple will not budge, nor should any other company. Of course MS is eager to pay as they need their Zune to succeed, and Universal is riding along for a slice of the pie, but who will loose out in the end is the consumer, as these royalties are eventually going to get calculated such that we will pay them......
    We should all start protesting all record companies to clean up their act, in the mean time, the general consumer should to, copying of music is stealing, the prices on iTunes are fair and reasonable, so lets be nice and buy them properly, and the record companies can then make sure there is more for us to buy (some real refreshing new music would be nice, instead of all this "X factor, American idol, etc etc manufactured stuff....) , and not just fill their pockets as they are trying to do all the time

    It's not music studios, but record companies, they are not the same entities.

    A couple of things to clarify. I am actually a producer, who has a pre-existing deal with MCA/Universal Music Publishers.

    1. Doug Morris, Chairman of Universal is a greedy bastard, who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him.

    2. Artists, Songwriters & Producers are already getting screwed by major labels, not accounting properly, holding millions of dollars, using creative accounting practices etc.

    3. The percentage breakdown with ITMS and labels is basically 65/35 as it is rounded off to the 100 in favor of the labels.

    4. The real culprit here is Microsoft, who is whoring out Zunes in order to get a foothold on the marketplace. Consumers can speak with their pocketbooks, don't buy the crappy Zune players, but support your artists & songwriters who make a living off of sales, by purchasing music.


    Jul 20, 10:09 PM
    I mean, this is a good thing that they are coming out with all of these brand new processors. But it bums me out that my current iMac will be outdated..:( . O well, I guess i wil move on, and be happy with my perfect mac!

    Aug 27, 02:55 PM
    All these changes are also likely to see a departure from the standard Alum shell. There will probably be a new attractive enclosure to separate the lines. Almost instant load of applications along with all the extra speed of Leopard on a sweet Meron chip with all the new iCandy and functionality will likely make me pull my credit card. Can't wait for next summer!!!!!!

    Bring it ON!!!!!!!:)

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