Monday, May 23, 2011

poison ivy vine in winter

poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine
  • poison ivy vine

  • admanimal
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks ( in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

    Yeah, with problems like that they are destined to fail. :rolleyes:

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy
  • poison ivy

  • Aleco
    Apr 8, 01:23 AM
    Best Buy made reservations on the iPad. When I went in and said they have several instock, he checked on the computer. They said they had 5 but it was all for reserved customers that put $100 down in the first place.

    poison ivy vine in winter. The ivy form likes shady areas
  • The ivy form likes shady areas

  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 02:39 PM
    I've been wanting to say this for a very long time. Google's OS has no advantage over iOS. You could even say it has a disadvantage. Having to create a vanilla code base that needs to function on multiple pieces of hardware is complex, more complexity creates weaker system.

    But here's my point. The ONLY ONLY reason why Android market share is anywhere near what it is today is because of the Buy One Get One options at most phone retailers. iOS has NEVER done that and hopefully never will. If you didn't care about the phone or service but needed two "Newer Smart Phones" one for you and one for your wife, why not go with the "Blah Blah" model from Verizon where if I buy one today I get the second for free (two year agreement and activation fees required).

    Market share means nothing. This platform is doomed unless Google reins it in and get control over it. If they do, providers will be less willing to work with them, if they don't, by by Android.

    My Two Cents.

    From my own personal experience, I know very few people that have Android phones that took advantage of the BOGO deal.

    I personally bought this Android phone because I read reviews, and it was the best lower end phone, and I can't justify spending an enormous amount of money on something I'll upgrade in a year.

    I used an iPhone 3GS for a year, and I don't miss it.
    It's a very nice phone, but the features that I can use on Android more than make up for any advantages the iPhone had.

    Once again, this is just MY opinion, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

    poison ivy vine in winter. A furry poison ivy vine,
  • A furry poison ivy vine,

  • sebseb81
    Apr 6, 10:30 AM
    Maybe I'm just being optimistic but there have been a lot of models of the MBA in the refurb section of the Apple store online recently, and they've been there rather consistently (as has the regular old MB). Maybe both MBA and MB will be updated sooner than we think? June certainly sounds reasonable for the MBA, and the MB is due even sooner, I would imagine.

    poison ivy vine in winter. Kudzu Vine in Winter
  • Kudzu Vine in Winter

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 11:24 AM
    I ordered my 15" MBP yesterday and they are telling me it will ship next Tuesday. I sure hope that when the package arrives the MBP will have no stinking Merom, no more than 512 MB RAM, no better than an 80 Gb/5400 rpm HDD, and -- please God -- no magnetic latch! Oh - and one more thing: Apple better not send me a refund if they lower the price before the package hits my doorstep. :mad:

    I don't think you've got anything to worry about there...

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • radiohead14
    Mar 22, 04:04 PM
    I know I haven't been on this forum for as long as some, but this topic again proves why I'm often dissuaded from posting more regularly.

    The constant foot-stomping, ridiculing without even trying, 'my Dad-is-better-than-your-Dad' attitude towards other manufacturers, the list is ongoing. How can any of us write off the Playbook or the Samsung tablet without even trying them? Yes, they are second and third to the market, but then so was Apple with the first iteration of its smartphone. Now look where we are.

    The iPad two does have some shortcomings, few of which are worth going to to here. However, the OS of these devices IS crucial and we are beginning to see iOS creaking slightly. In terms of looks and notifications, for me, Apple is lagging. I like how the Playbook looks and potentially, should operate. Will I make a snap judgement? No. I'll try the damn thing first before making a judgement.

    Do I see these tablets wiping out the iPad? Not a chance. Not in a million years. Do I see future versions of the Playbook and Samsung tabs wiping out the iPad? Perhaps, who can say. Mobile computing and tablets are here to stay now - saying and believing that the iPad will remain as dominant is pure wishful thinking from the more fanboy-minded of us.

    well said. it's hard to even have a civil conversation here anymore. not sure what the majority of the age group here is now, but the discussions since i've joined here just a couple of years ago seem to be on the decline with immaturity. there are a handful of respectful and open minded people who do back up their thoughts with details and sense, but you'd have to wade through a lot of "fanboy" (i hate that term) jargon to sift the ones worth replying to.

    poison ivy vine in winter. 416.4 Poison Ivy vine
  • 416.4 Poison Ivy vine

  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 12:02 PM
    I'm not a birther. But I would love to know why the certificate looks new when the president is nearly 50. Now I'm about five months older than he, my original birth certificate has faded. The certificate he produced clearly isn't the original. Or if it is the original, it's astoundingly well-preserved.

    He hasn't been carrying this around for 50 years. Did you actually read the article?

    The White House also released a letter from the president on April 22 requesting two certified copies of his original certificate of live birth. Also released was a letter from Loretta Fuddy, Hawaii's director of health, approving the request.
    The president's personal counsel, Judith Corley, traveled to Hawaii to pick up the documents and carried them back to Washington on a plane. The documents arrived at the White House around 5 p.m. Tuesday.

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • Xenious
    Jul 14, 05:27 PM
    Dual drive slots are cool, but the design is boring. Don't get me wrong I love my G5 powermac I was just hoping for a new or different design for the next ones...Maybe the same but square or smaller or something. Oh well it doesn't matter I'm still buying. :)

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • opinioncircle
    Mar 20, 07:56 AM
    Until we have publicly funded campaigns, there will be no change. As long as it costs millions to get elected, business will continue to set policy, maintain the farce of two different parties and basically run the country, a situation I think the OP of this thread is in favour of.

    Agreed. The 2012 race seems to be one for the books as far as campaign contributions are concerned.

    This should all go public.

    poison ivy vine in winter. Poison Ivy Foliage and Vine
  • Poison Ivy Foliage and Vine

  • catchbar
    Aug 6, 03:23 PM
    thats amazing!!!

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • TripHop
    Jun 17, 05:51 AM
    West Coast corporate store. At 10AM Paciific they had white codes to order with but no orders were possible due to the overload. So my store manager put all the orders on paper and manually placed them with corporate later in the day over the telephone. He thinks he's getting one WHITE 32 for me and will let me know Tuesday when he gets a copy of the shipping manifest. :eek:

    poison ivy vine in winter. winter. As the vines grow in
  • winter. As the vines grow in

    Apr 7, 10:20 PM
    So they DID have my Black 64GB ATT. I'm stuck with this Verizon model ,'-,

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • Tailpike1153
    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    I think it was not a bug, nut data waiting to be sent to Apple for profit generating purposes.

    But if Apple has been using this acquired data, why on earth is it allowing Google and others to eat away at its mobile & tablet marketshare? Why collect data if it isn't relevant to you business.

    poison ivy vine in winter. Poison Ivy?
  • Poison Ivy?

  • 63dot
    Aug 18, 09:26 AM
    i'm in
    we can start today

    you take everything east of kansas and i will take the western region of the usa

    when we have enough money, i can go raid asia and australia/new zealand for old G5s and you can go after europe and the middle east

    when we are done we will be rich and could sit on the same oil board as bin laden, dick cheney, and several of the bush family members

    and based on who is taller, one of us could be dr. evil and the other one will be mini me

    sound good?

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Aug 27, 01:19 AM

    The update time for Apple's store is 9am EST? I was under the impression that it was 9am PST. I'm behind the times! (pun intended, I suppose)

    Is the 7-10 days for BTO iMacs? Or stock ones?

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • daze
    Aug 27, 12:29 PM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.
    Why not wait for the one after Santa Rosa? Then the one after... ;)

    poison ivy vine in winter. been laying in poison ivy?
  • been laying in poison ivy?

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 27, 09:56 AM
    What makes you say Nintendo sucks so much?

    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    Whether we like to believe it or, the same goes for PC vs. Mac, OSX vs. Windows, ATI vs. Nvidia, etc. I've had macs off and on since I was a kid. I've also had several other types of computers other than Windows machines (mostly Commodore systems--man I loved my Amiga 500 with it's upgrade to 1 whole MB of ram :cool:.)

    I was first in line to buy the original iMac. I bought it day one. I upgraded it's graphics card, which supposedly was not supposed to be upgradable, so I could play Unreal. Then I began to religiously follow the tragic saga of the Half-Life port to the Mac OS. The guy who was doing it (yes, a one man team), after months of receiving very little support from anyone, eventually threw his hands in the air and gave up. I was distraught, and, as a huge gamer (not fat, just a video game fan :p ), that's when I decided I needed to get a PC with Windows. It was a tough choice, but I knew I had to do it if I wanted to play the latest, greatest PC games. Apple has sorely lacked in porting games to their OS's.

    While I did eventually buy a used iBook about 4 or 5 years ago (which I recently sold to help fund my new MBP), I always promised, "I will buy a mac again when I can play any games that a PC can play." Well, now I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I'm jumping head first into the mac market once more, and I thank the Intel switch for allowing it to happen.

    While I know I probably won't be able to respectably play games like Crysis and Unreal Tournament 2007 on my MBP, I've become content with having console systems (Xbox 360, soon Wii, much later PS3 when price drops ;).) At this point in my life, I'm trying to simplify. I'm tired of having the huge tower system and massive monitor taking up so much room in my life, so I decide to go with the MBP. I want to be able to move from my desk to the living room, from the house to work, from state to state, etc. with ease and with all I need computer-wise.

    So I'm back and I'm happy to be here. Of course, how I managed to get off on a self-rant from someone responding to a perceived Nintendo insult I have no idea. Sorry about that. :D

    Did I say I can't wait to get my MBP? :o

    poison ivy vine in winter. poison ivy vine in winter.
  • poison ivy vine in winter.

  • DMann
    Aug 7, 03:23 PM
    The new HW is fine, but Leopard is exciting! I'll look forward to this as I have all the big cats.

    In nine months or less......... we'll have those
    Top Secret features in our machines - too bad
    for Redmond they won't be revealed until then.
    Core graphics and Quartz Extreme will be amazing.
    Love Time Machine, Spaces, etc.

    Sep 14, 12:23 PM
    i think they're coming up with 2 dual octo-core.......True That. But not until next summer 2007.

    Thomas Veil
    Apr 28, 04:51 PM
    Jesus wasn't born in America, yet you don't see Republicans trying to keep him out of government.Highly droll. I see we're channeling Mark Twain tonight. :D

    Apr 6, 04:07 PM
    Like someone an early poster said, you want a little competition to keep Apple moving forward. But 100k in two months? Apple's motto seems to be defeat, crush and humiliate your opponents then dominate. It's going to be hard for competition facing that.

    Mar 31, 05:07 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    Wow... classless AND wrong at the same time. Care to go for the hat trick and throw in 'fanboi' too?

    Jul 14, 11:47 PM
    I assume that the PS move is due to heat. That thing generates heat, and if it can vent in a different location or through a different air channel than the processors, the I think that's good... And 2 drive bays is effin spectacular. I myself am fine with 1, but if I can get a bracket and put a couple HDs in that spot then cool. It'd be cool if apple made it usable that way. I would sure like more bays, but just having that real estate for them, and a solution to cleanly mount them would be nice.


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