Sunday, May 22, 2011

happy birthday cartoon balloons

happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday logo
  • happy birthday logo

  • eastercat
    Apr 6, 02:21 PM
    This can't be right. MR posters have assured me that the Xoom is better than the iPad. I mean, if you can't trust MR posters, whom can you trust?Dude, you forgot to use your android fan-filter. :p

    Yep, not bad considering it's $800 without contract.This is why the xoom won't sell as well as the ipad. It needs to offer a low-end introductory model.
    Andy Ihnatko wrote if an ipad competitor were to have a weekend retreat about the goals of their tablet, then a sub $500 price wouldn't be a bad place to start. Granted, that can't be its only feature, because Dell has proven that a cheap price won't bring them in droves. However, if that's the starting point and then the manufacturer adds the requisite features, the tablet might do well.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Shipping :cartoon balloon
  • Shipping :cartoon balloon

  • wiestlingjr
    Jun 11, 06:03 PM

    I just talked to my local radioshack and they are also taking preorders. He told me he can't guarantee me the 24th. He said he's not sure when they will come in. How accurate is this? I really don't want to preorder if its not going to be there on the 24th.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Music_Producer
    Sep 18, 11:14 PM
    APPLE I NEED A NEW MACBOOK PRO. I NEED FIREWIRE 800, I NEED A DL SuperDrive, i'd like MEMROM. If you had to releace a half-assed Prosumer laptop in the first place to start your transition for the love of god PLEASE update it now. Its been a LONG time since we've seen any updates. Apple is now competeing in INTEL land, were they need to keep their laptops current. Releace the laptops (notebooks in your case as you like to call them) i'll place the order and wait for them to ship. PLEASE.!


    For the love of God, please, learn to spell.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • miketcool
    Aug 11, 06:38 PM
    You all must realize now that the touch screen scroll wheel is for the iPhone, not, the iPod. You wont watch video's on your phone, but youll listen to audio, dial numbers and store info. The Video player will be a spin off and be video oriented, this will be mobile oriented. $399, I'd still buy a mobile hub with music and phone capabilities.

    It Cometh.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. CARTOON BALLOONS (click image
  • CARTOON BALLOONS (click image

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:52 PM
    The situation gets worse for Radio Shack....

    Update 2: We've been tipped that Apple may now be blocking third-party retailers from taking pre-orders altogether tomorrow. RadioShack already changed its story on us, and now Best Buy locations have started doing the same, telling us that they definitely won't be taking pre-orders tomorrow but may be by the end of the week. Bottom line -- hit up Apple's website in the morning.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Group of cartoon balloons 1
  • Group of cartoon balloons 1

  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 05:24 AM
    Damn PowerPC fans.

    Apple is INTEL now. We Love Intel Because Stevie Tells Us So.
    We hate AMD and IBM. Should Apple ever move to another CPU provider, we will seamlessly transition to hating Intel again. This is the Way of the Mac.

    What's so good about G5's anyway? They are slow, too hot, and skull juice.
    Why do we love Intel? Because Steve says to, and Core 2 Duo is powerful, cool, not permanently drunk, allows us to run Windows and helps Apple increase its market share.

    We love ATi because just like Intel, their products are the best at the moment. We still love nVIDIA because their GPUs are in the Mac Pro.

    We love Israel because they make our Core 2 Duos and we love China because they make our Macs. We love California because that's where Our Lord Stevie J is (Don't particularly care about the rest of the US, sorry guys).

    We love our Big Cats because they run so fast and look so clean and powerful (Hmmm... Mystery of OS codenames revealed?) and of course because they are not Windows, which are susceptible to breaking...

    People who live in Windows shouldn't throw Viruses?

    Off track...

    Anyway, Rawr to all you PowerPC fanboys (And girls)

    Intel 4EVER!

    ...yeah whatever you say fanboy

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 13, 12:05 PM
    Also, the iMac is a 32-bit computer, and these are 64-bit chips, reducing any possiblity to zero.

    Only the Yonah based Core Duo iMacs are 32bit (Well, and the G3/G4 too). G5 and the new iMac Core 2 Duo models on sale now are 64bit. Not that it matters per se.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Happy+irthday+cartoon+
  • Happy+irthday+cartoon+

  • Pro31
    Apr 6, 02:10 PM
    If you bought 2 Xooms would you have a Mazda?

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 19, 08:24 PM
    WRONG! They weren't invented at Apple's Cupertino HQ, they were invented back in Palo Alto (Xerox PARC).

    Secondly, your source is a pro-Apple website. Thats a problem right there.

    I'll give you a proper source, the NYTimes (, which wrote an article on Xerox vs Apple back in 1989, untarnished, in its raw form. Your 'source' was cherry picking data.

    Here is one excerpt.

    Then Apple CEO John Sculley stated:

    ^^ thats a GLARING admission, by the CEO of Apple, don't you think? Nevertheless, Xerox ended up losing that lawsuit, with some saying that by the time they filed that lawsuit it was too late. The lawsuit wasn't thrown out because they didn't have a strong case against Apple, but because of how the lawsuit was presented as is at the time.

    I'm not saying that Apple stole IP from Xerox, but what I am saying is that its quite disappointing to see Apple fanboys trying to distort the past into making it seem as though Apple created the first GUI, when that is CLEARLY not the case. The GUI had its roots in Xerox PARC. That, is a FACT.

    Actually, you're WRONG!!!! to say he's wrong. You're trying to say that every GUI element was created at Xerox? EVERY one of them? Sorry, but your argument here is akin to something Fox News would air.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 28, 05:37 PM
    That looks stunningly beautiful. wish there were 3 or 4 card slots though.

    Well, I was trying to hit the mid-point. The PM has four, and the Mini has none, so I put in two. If I had put in a third one, I would have had to make it taller.

    (Of course, I realize that both the two and the four aren't quite accurate, as the PM has one slot taken up by the video card, so it's really three, as does my M++ so it's really only got one. But a strong argument can be made that people who need more than one expansion slot should really get a full sized system...)

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. If you#39;ve ever had a blog,
  • If you#39;ve ever had a blog,

  • cult hero
    Mar 26, 07:02 PM
    Windows manages to run legacy apps still. Even if you do have to resort to using the virtual machine they've called 'XP Mode.'

    There's no reason you can't do the exact same thing on a Mac. There are no shortage of virtual machine apps and no room to complain either seeing as VirtualBox is free (and Parallels is almost always available through some cheap MacUpdate bundle). Virtualize.

    Rosetta needs to go away. Backward compatibility very often holds back forward progress (just look at how badly web technologies have been stifled by IE 6 even today). Widespread use of virtualization is making it more convenient to move forward and the average computer user simply doesn't need/use software that's a decade old.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Cartoon Black And White
  • Cartoon Black And White

  • slackpacker
    Apr 25, 02:42 PM
    Not guilty until proven guilty ... your turn to proof that they have the data. There is zero evidence for that, no matter how often you repeat the claim.

    Its not that Apple is using this data its how its being used by others. Its Apples job to protect us not allow our private info to be used against us.

    SEE >>>> ( - forensic-products

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    To store data temporally. That is what RAM does.

    I believe the question was about what App on the iPad 2 is hindered by the amount of RAM. What are you trying to do, with what App, that needs 1GB? If the RAM isn't enhancing the experience, than what is the point other than to increase cost? You could put 4GB in an iPad too, but you will likely notn use it (with the current 1/3 million Apps). So what is the magic number that works seamlessly for 99% of what people use the device for?

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Happy Birthday Cake and
  • Happy Birthday Cake and

  • chicagdan
    Aug 6, 08:33 AM
    What would I like to see at WWDC? For Jobs to say "we've taken a hard look at the labor practices of our Shanghai facility and what's happened to quality control since we started manufacturing our products in China and decided that enough is enough. We're moving our manufacturing to a variety of locales on the Pacific Rim -- mostly Taiwan and Malaysia -- and increasing prices 10 percent across the board to reflect the higher costs. We're sorry about the price hike, but Apple isn't Apple when it encourages slave labor and creates beautiful products that consistently fall apart."

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. irthday cartoon balloons.
  • irthday cartoon balloons.

  • emotion
    Aug 11, 10:20 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running? :confused:
    If people want a Treo replacement, you are going to have top consider whether:
    1. calendar - hopefully you can port over Palm to iCal
    2. contacts - to Mail/Address book
    3. will there be a keyboard - personally I send a lot of mail/texts so would want to keep the "thumb-board" ;)

    I think the device is likely to be iPod based (the underlying OS can handle a lot more than audio and video playback i think).

    I'd love some thumb board capability but nt at the expense of size. If this thing is a brick it's not gonna work out.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Popeye206
    Mar 31, 03:43 PM
    Oh, Lordy! The Fandroids were always delusional, but reading some of these comments�this seems to have pushed them over the line into some sort of clinical psychosis.

    It's because they're learning that offering a commercial product like a college science project is good for developers, but stinks for consumers and the real world. Basically... Google is learning this too.

    I've always believed that if Google doesn't start imposing some limits and "walls" the Android OS will get out of control and you'll have 20 versions of it out there all running in their own direction.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. happy birthday cartoon
  • happy birthday cartoon

  • Mal
    Aug 11, 01:40 PM
    My bets are that it will be either with Nokia or with HTC.

    Nokia make the best phone interfaces in the world, which is a very Apple-like thing to do. They're also very experienced at phone hardware desigh and integrating it smoothly with the interface.

    HTC are a taiwan company that design and make the best phone hardware in the world, and then sell them to companies like O2, T-Mobile etc to put their brand on. Most HTC-built phones run Windows Mobile, which Apple may be interested in replaceing with OSX Mobile...

    I can quite easily see Apple commisisoning HTC to make a Apple phone, these people are simply the best at hardware phone design and manufacture.

    Someone suggested Blackberry, but Blackberry is more geared to corporate use - not a very Apple-like sector - and also are quite heavily dependent on having access to a Windows server to get the most out of your phone.

    Overall, I feel it will be HTC and OSX Mobile...

    I'll second the HTC vote. The Cingular 8125 (an HTC PDA phone) is an awesome design and a well-built phone. I'd love it if it wasn't Windows Mobile.


    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Flying clown with cartoon
  • Flying clown with cartoon

  • saving107
    Apr 6, 02:06 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    Nissan/Dodge driver myself, as well as an iPad/iPhone user.

    We all choose the product that best first our needs and buget, and these are my choices.

    happy birthday cartoon balloons. Colorful cartoon balloons
  • Colorful cartoon balloons

  • darkplanets
    Mar 31, 10:56 PM
    You mean AntennaGates 1 & 2, iOS 4 on iPhone 3G, the light bleeding on the iPads before shipping, the Macbook Airs crashing when using iTunes aren't examples of Apple cutting corners to get a product to release? I will buy Mac probably for the rest of my life so long as the company is in business and putting out great products with great operating systems.

    And they didn't spin it perfectly. Steve Jobs told consumers they were holding the phone wrong and pretended the problem would go away.

    I feel like Apple fails more on the hardware front than the software front, especially with the iDevices. Regardless, both companies have flaws, but having your next gen OS NOT work on phones is a big uh-oh. Obviously they'll optimize it; perhaps they'll skip honeycomb for phones, and then come out with a unified "faster" approach for both tablets and phones.

    Mar 31, 04:44 PM
    Ironically, most of the people on this forum said iPhone on Verizon would be game over for Android.

    This 'game over for Android' reminds me a lot of the 'this is the year of desktop linux' stuff that has been said every year for the last 9.

    Ah linux trolls are my favorite :rolleyes: I lost count how many times I've answered a question and/or posted on something to have the random linux guy show up and spout "Or just toss out your mac/pc and install linux on a new machine". Of course no one asked about linux.

    Aug 11, 06:56 PM
    Is Europe not a way bigger mobile phone market than the US anyway. I don't see why any technology company would alienate a huge sector of its market in this way. It will definitely be released in Europe too.

    It will not be a flip phone, or a slide phone or any of those stupid ass gimmicky phones you use over there. It will be just a nano derivative I would say. It will be GSM, it will be quad band.


    Stevie J ;)

    Jul 14, 02:32 PM
    My intention: to wait for 3Ghz+ Xeon, which sounds like it should only be a few months later. That's also time for a few little tweaks to be made if necessary, giving me something between a version A and version B machine.

    That's a really good plan. Wait a few months, let the bugs get ironed out of the new Intel PowerMacs, and then buy something for the same price with better technology.

    Jul 27, 02:22 PM
    but is still more productive because it handles more calculations per clock cycle

    I'm no processor geek. I have a basic understanding of the terminology and how things work so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this one of the advantages that the PPC had over Intel chips? Does this mean Intel is moving toward shorter pipes? Are we talking more instructions per clock cycle or what? What does "calculations" mean in this context?

    Sep 18, 11:32 PM
    All I have to say is:
    "what the hell is taking them so frigging long?"

    This update better be bitchin!

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