Monday, May 30, 2011

crips gang sign

crips gang sign. hour talking about crips gang
  • hour talking about crips gang

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Jul 21, 10:23 AM
    As for people being surprised at Apple's childishness, have you forgotten about the douchetastic "I'm a Mac campaign".

    That campaign was saying "Look what we can do that you can't."

    That is proper advertising and the way it should be done.

    This campaign says "Look, you're just as bad as we are."

    I'm a Mac raised the bar, this thing just pulls the bar down.

    crips gang sign. Story for Gang Sign Santa
  • Story for Gang Sign Santa

  • phatboy
    Jan 15, 08:36 PM
    hahaha. that is quality! the comedy value is immense :P

    crips gang sign. Crip Gang Pictures
  • Crip Gang Pictures

  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 29, 07:29 PM
    I personally find that the "translucent plastic" in Windows 7 looks like it was ripped off from the 90s and a bad Linux window manager. Seriously, it screams "look at me, I'm trying too hard!".

    And it's a complete rip-off of KDE 4.x.

    So KDE4 is a bad 90s Linux Window Manager?

    crips gang sign. in mar Crip+killa+sign
  • in mar Crip+killa+sign

  • xUKHCx
    Apr 12, 08:43 AM
    Maybe some computers come with Office as a promotional deal, and if they do, that's up to the OEM, not Microsoft. Nonetheless, I've not seen any PC come with more than a 30 day trial of Office.

    Maybe it is a regional thing. I have recently bought 3 windows based machines here in the UK and they all came with trial versions of Office.

    crips gang sign. gangsta green crips
  • gangsta green crips

  • MacU
    Oct 13, 05:53 PM
    I have lived in 4 different rural markets and regularly travel between them. Currently, in NC, Verizon is everywhere since they bought out a couple providers like Rural Cellular and I forget the other one.

    When I left Verizon, they had full bar 3G coverage at my house. They had just upgraded about 3 months before I went with an iPhone. With AT&T, I need to drive almost 20 miles to even find 3G coverage.

    With Verizon, I had a Palm Treo 700 and it was very rare to see even the analog signal at all.

    If Apple would make the iPhone for Verizon, i'd switch back in a blink, even if I had to pay early termination, it's that bad. I typically lose between 20-40% of my calls. There is several dead zones too, that I can't even drive down without losing it.

    I have to agree with you there. I have an iPhone for personal use and a Verison BB for work. My iPhone works around 20% of the time at my house and it drops calls randomly elsewhere. My BB has full bars at home and I have yet to have a dropped call. We need Apple to take care of its customers by opening the market for Verison and TMobile.

    crips gang sign. Crip sign on blood red wall.
  • Crip sign on blood red wall.

    Oct 6, 11:46 AM
    First, Apple must build an iPhone that will work on Verizon's CDMA network (iPhone is GSM & HPDA), OR Verizon must upgrade their network to handle GSM/HDMA. I don't thing either will ever happen.

    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    crips gang sign. hoover crip hand gang sign
  • hoover crip hand gang sign

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    You expect employees who make minimum wage to break up a fight? They should call the cops, but for sure not break up a fight.

    Your damn right I do, I've kicked people out of stores before for being rude to employees, shouting at each other, behaving inappropriately and refusing to respond to reasonable requests.

    If people started fighting in my place of work i would absolutely get involved, probably starting with dumping a bucket of mop water over them.

    I've broke up a fight between 14 and 15 years old siblings while I was teaching a ski lesson. And I wouldn't have hesitated if it had been two 20 year olds.

    When did we become so bloody apathetic and wimpy that were afraid of breaking up a fight between a group of girls. As far as I'm concerned I could give a damn about trans gender or not.

    If you work somewhere you have a position of authority and that makes it your job to protect all people in your store, sack up and diffuse the situation.

    crips gang sign. That#39;s not a crip sign anyway.
  • That#39;s not a crip sign anyway.

  • darkwing
    Mar 21, 08:14 AM
    This really sucks. :( I just bought a new house and am going to almost immediately get it wired up for an alarm, though I probably don't need to. It's out in the middle of nowhere. :P Anyhow, if you want to set up a donation paypal account I bet a lot of us can chip in $5 each or something to help. :)

    crips gang sign. 3001 - nabil demonstrates how to throw a crip gang sign | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • 3001 - nabil demonstrates how to throw a crip gang sign | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 08:39 AM
    It has to come back soon, think of all the sales they're losing!

    People aren't going to remember the songs they wanted? Plus there not making much on each song anyways.

    crips gang sign. CRIP GANG FIT

  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 30, 07:57 AM
    I'm glad they're listening to what people want though!

    crips gang sign. Crip+killa+sign Graphics and no it means Introduce you mustlist of my friends say ck originally meaning Aug
  • Crip+killa+sign Graphics and no it means Introduce you mustlist of my friends say ck originally meaning Aug

  • hob
    Jan 5, 03:21 PM
    Doesn't anyone remember that this used to be the case? Right in the beginning, there was a live video feed to all the Apple stores... I went to two of them, both at the Mall of America store (and both times sat next to some very quirky Mac users... y'know... the regular type). Then one year, I went and it wasn't on. I was pissed. Then I learned Apple wasn't doing that because it was too expensive or something.

    Seeing the floor traffic of those places, I don't see how it couldn't be lucrative to get passers-by excited about fresh products...

    Whatever, I guess.


    I think it was WWDC '05, just after the Apple Store in Regent Street, London had just opened. I went in about 4 hours before the keynote was due to start, I actually happened to be passing through. I also happened to see the store manager standing on the bottom floor. I enquired if he'd be showing the keynote in the theatre, he said something like

    "I'd love to, but none of my staff would get any work done"...! Which is totally opposite to the experience I had at every other apple store front and back...

    Ideally, they should get all the security guards to be extra vigilant, as they don't care about the keynote, give all the staffers the 2 hours off except a few for the tills (they could even rotate them on 20-minute shifts) then put Steve up on all the screens, and in the theatre, and have him blaring out throughout the store!

    Then bust out all the "do not open until 7pm" boxes! I'd be there with about £400 in my pocket!!

    edit: after that blurb, I forgot what I was gonna write! Cheers Arn, good job! I'm worried the feed will get totally MacRumoured though!!

    crips gang sign. crip killas in da.
  • crip killas in da.

  • ShnikeJSB
    Aug 8, 01:35 PM
    ...and this could lead to some nasty screen burn.)

    I was under the impression LCD's can't GET "Burn-In"... And that they MIGHT get "Image Persistance", which isn't permanent.

    crips gang sign. Deal is on signck crip If gang
  • Deal is on signck crip If gang

  • supermacdesign
    Jan 5, 05:57 PM
    I am such a geek I can't friggin wait. I've already got the giddy shakes... I know the MacWorld covergae auto-updates like every minute but I can't stop myself from refreshing!! I am so sorry MacRumors!!

    crips gang sign. This gang also warned
  • This gang also warned

  • kevinliu4
    Oct 11, 05:25 AM
    initially i was skeptical of the design as i was wondering how anyone is supposed to hold this thing (while watching video) without blocking the screen. then i realised when i use the ipod to watch video, it's usually resting on a table (at work) or in my palm (on the train). i don't actually watch video while i'm walking down the street for example.

    however, i think with a virtual touch screen click wheel, the screen of the ipod is gonna be a mess in no time...fingerprint city. i also have visions of me forgetting to click hold as i wipe the screen to remove the finger prints, then inadvertently blasting my ears off as the volume on the virtual wheel goes up. i dunno. having said that, can't wait to see it!

    crips gang sign. All Crip Gang Signs.
  • All Crip Gang Signs.

  • Padraig
    Jan 10, 05:41 PM
    "In college, I built small TV jammers. I'd go to the one dorm that had a color TV, sit in the back, in the dark, and tune in my jammer. The screen got messed up, not totally but enough to bother everyone. Without any plan, a friend in the front row, who knew what was going on (I hope he did) whacked the TV. I instantly turned the jammer off and the TV worked fine."

    crips gang sign. Crip Gang Signs
  • Crip Gang Signs

  • wildmac
    Nov 24, 08:41 PM
    nah. they're just updating the mb/p line

    LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)

    crips gang sign. Crip Gang Tattoos
  • Crip Gang Tattoos

  • leekohler
    Mar 4, 02:10 PM
    Minimum wages = unemployment, lower growth
    child labor laws = limits free will and opportunities for youngsters
    max hours per week = limits free will, opportunity for higher personal revenue
    workplace safety = bureaucracy, red tape, lower growth

    Don't be naive. The goals are the same, more wealth, health, prosperity, and safety for all. Conservatives simply disagree with your methods. They realize that a hand-out is NEVER the same as a hand-up, and that wealth earned is not generally earned at the expense of others, but rather to their benefit.

    Nope- these are all lies proven to be so during the industrial revolution. We know what business does when these things are left unchecked. And don't say the free market will take care of them. There is too much evidence from history to show it won't. And the goals are not the same at all. Business will take advantage of it's worker in a heartbeat if they're permitted.

    BTW, the anti-gay segment has no business being in this bill. All politicians should realize that individual bills should be able to stand on their own two feet instead of sneaking them by in such a disgustingly snake-in-the-grass fashion.

    Then prove it and come out against this bill. Or again, does it not matter since you got yours?

    crips gang sign. Delete. Young Piece
  • Delete. Young Piece

  • ConnorCG
    Apr 29, 01:17 PM
    Yeah that doesn't sit too well with me either. But as long as there are a good set of nice new features without much of the iPad-ness mucking it up I'll be pleased. I hope to see more of Lion soon, the more features the better! :D

    Yeah, not a lot of stuff has changed from Snow Leopard in the way of user interface, and most of the stuff can be avoided completely, like LaunchPad. There are some annoying things that I've noticed though, like DigitalColor Meter only having the option for RGB colors, and nothing else. Something small that is really annoying.

    crips gang sign. Gang Graffiti. Crip sign on
  • Gang Graffiti. Crip sign on

  • zephxiii
    Dec 23, 08:57 AM
    i usually just read these and do not post, but i decided to finally register and join the action. i know the arguement against lte in the iphone for vzw, but i say why wouldnt they? they like to be on the cutting edge dont they? as to the arguement on the original being edge not 3g, there was no 3g android when the original iphone came out now android has a significant share of the smartphone market and they are coming out with lte devices at ces for verizon. why would apple wnat to be so far behind android phones in terms of lte and 3g. i think that if apple were to launch a lte phone in june, then why not just launch it in february? what is the difference in a few months when people will be buying up lte android phones in droves after CES

    Apple usually isn't cutting edge. I mean why wasn't the first iPhone 3g when there was 3G in the US and EU? That and LTE chipsets are kinda new, voice isn't working over LTE yet. It would probably be easier and cheaper to just do CDMA (which Apple is already new at). LTE also might cause a negative effect on batt. life which Apple doesn't like etc. etc.

    Remember all the reasons why the first iPhone didn't have 3g? something about chipsets not mature enough (i disagree), battery life (disagree), and I thought there was something about PCB space too but dunno.

    Hell we haven't seen any job ads for LTE engineers either.

    So no, it most likely will not have LTE, and there has not been any valid hints that it would either.

    Apr 5, 09:07 PM
    This is possibly the dumbest thing Apple has ever done.

    I can't WAIT to go browsing though this list of stupid banner ads! I wonder if I can collect them all???!!! I LOVE pop up windows in my browser and I've always wanted to be able to view them at anytime, without having to go to annoying websites just to get each one to load. Now I can have a crap ton of banner ads right at my fingertips!!! THANKS APPLE!!!

    I hope they release a pro version of this app for the Mac OS!! Maybe they will incorporate a version inside the mail program that allows me to see ads for VIAGRA and STOCK OPPORTUNITIES IN AFRICA in cover flow!!!

    If you don't think it's a good idea then it should not exist? If you don't want to download then don't download it. I have no issue with the app, downloaded and I actually liked it. IF I had not liked it I would have deleted and resumed my life no harm fowl.

    Mar 23, 11:00 AM
    This is awesome, rt! And I was seriously just about to head over to paypal to send my $5, too. :P

    Keep us posted! And MAKE SURE you keep details logs (even if it's on paper) of the date/times you notice these things. Also, you need to make sure that you take a picture of the house with the blue glow as well!

    Mar 24, 03:58 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X! I still love you. :D

    Apr 8, 09:43 AM
    MS still playing catchup by the looks of the feature list in my opinion.
    Actually its the other way around. Windows 7 has leap frogged apple in terms of functionality, UI and usability.

    Apple needs to play catch up by adding some features to OSX.

    Oct 3, 10:34 AM
    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company

    HAHAH tell that to think secret :X

    Good luck Jon.

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